Known errors and misprints in ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY FOR THE AMATEUR by Michael Covington 1991 edition Last revised 1997 November 9 (Some of these errors have been corrected in some printings.) OVERALL: Many black-and-white photographs are reproduced with excessive contrast and excessively dark backgrounds. The color plates are well made and are a better indication of how photographs should look. p. 27: Picture is flipped left-right. p. 57 last paragraph: Despite advertising claims made in the 1970s, Schmidt-Cassegrains do not cover an "exceptionally large field." They have appreciable aberrations even 1 cm from center of field, which is why collimation is critical. However, they remain the most compact and versatile telescopes, and I continue to use them. p. 111 top: In some printings the two pictures are reproduced with excessive contrast and look just alike. The left-hand picture should have normal contrast but be slightly blurred; the right-hand picture should be a sharp image with a smeared effect superimposed on it. pp. 124-126: Many of these film recommendations are out of date. See for updated film recommendations. Michael Covington