Information about projects for CSCI 4540/6540
Grading criteria for projects:
- Planning and overall design (20 points):
Does the project have a clear purpose? Does the paper define
this clear purpose and stick to it throughout? Are all parts
of the paper written for the same audience?
- User of literature (20 points):
Is the paper based on the best available sources of information?
Are these sources used effectively and credited properly?
(Note: For a basic paper or small project, extensive literature
research may be unnecessary, but the sources that you use should
be chosen well and used effectively.)
- Organization and expression (20 points):
Is the paper well organized around a clearly defined purpose?
Are word choice and sentence structure clear? Are explanations
understandable? (Note: Professional standards apply. If there
are gaps in your knowledge of English, this is not the place
to display them.)
- Presentation of paper (20 points):
Does the paper follow scholarly standards for spelling, punctuation,
grammar, layout, and other mechanical matters?
(No matter what word processing software you choose to use, you
must master it and use it with sufficient skill to produce
professional-quality output.)
- Presentation of program (20 points):
Is the program well-written, efficient, and neatly presented?
Is the program an example of good programming style?
Does it clearly serve its main purpose without unnecessary
additional material?