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Books by Michael and Melody Covington
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Douglas Downing, Michael Covington, Melody Mauldin Covington, Catherine Anne Barrett,
and Sharon Covington
Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms
Twelfth edition, Barron's Educational Series, 2017.
More than 3200 key terms defined and explained. Over 250 illustrations.
New material on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, tablets, digital
photography and audio, social networking, Linux, mobile devices,
and other new developments, including Internet culture and
View this book's web page with much more information
Order 2017 (purple and gold) edition from the publisher
Order 2017 edition from Barnes and Noble (or visit a store)
Order 2017 edition from Amazon.com (in the USA)
Order 2017 edition from Amazon.Co.UK (in Britain)
NOTE: Booksellers may still be offering older editions. Check carefully when purchasing.
Michael A. Covington
Computer Science Study Keys
Barron's Educational Series, 1991.
A guide for the perplexed computer science student, or anyone who
simply wants to know what goes on inside a computer.
Now officially out of print, but still available from some
Check availability on Amazon.com (USA)
Check availability on Amazon.Co.UK (Britain)
New: Download entire book for personal use (PDF)
Artificial Intelligence and Linguistics
Michael A. Covington, Donald Nute, and André Vellino
Prolog Programming in Depth
Second edition, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
Full coverage of the Prolog programming language including the latest
ISO standard (as of 1997). Includes ready-to-run code for expert system shells, other
intelligent problem-solvers, and algorithms to read foreign file
formats, even Lotus spreadsheets.
This book is freely available from the authors as a PDF file.
Just click here to view or download it.
For the program files from this book,
click here.
The programs included are those listed in the book. We do not publish a file of homework answers.
This book is no longer available in print from the publisher, but
secondhand copies may be available through
Michael A. Covington,
Natural Language Processing for Prolog Programmers,
Prentice-Hall, 1994.
Designed to bridge the gap for those who know Prolog but have little
or no background in linguistics, this book concentrates on turning theories
into practical techniques. Coverage includes template and keyword systems,
definite clause grammars (DCGs), English syntax, unification-based grammar,
parsing algorithms, semantics, and morphology. Helpful appendices present
an in-depth review of Prolog and ready-to-use string input and tokenization
This book is freely available from the author as a PDF file with substantial corrections
of errors in the printed text.
Just click here to view or download it.
For the program files from this book,
click here.
The programs included are those listed in the book. We do not publish a file of homework answers.
This book is no longer available in print from the publisher, but secondhand copies may be available through
For a newer, more complete book on the same subject, I recommend
Language Processing with Perl and Prolog, by Pierre Nugues
(available from Amazon).
Michael A. Covington,
Syntactic Theory in the High Middle Ages,
Cambridge University Press,
This is Michael's Yale doctoral dissertation, a historical study of a group of medieval
Latin grammarians and logicians who tried to work out a theory of the relationship
between language and meaning. Many of their ideas are of enduring interest.
Reprinted 2009, in paperback, priced lower than ever before!
Read the first chapter on line
View the publisher's web page
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Order from Amazon.Co.UK (Britain)
Astronomy and Astrophotography
Michael Covington's Practical Amateur Astronomy Series
Jay M. Pasachoff and Michael A. Covington,
The Cambridge Eclipse Photography Guide
Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Complete information on how to photograph eclipses of the sun and moon, with data on
upcoming eclipses. Includes detailed maps of the 1999 solar eclipse in Europe.
Order this book from Amazon.com (in the USA)
Order this book from Amazon.Co.UK (in Britain)
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